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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Summer Vacation - Condition (2011)

Genre: Punk/DIY/Indie
Website: SumVacay/Bandcamp 
Similar Sound: Joyce Manor/Glocca Morra
Track Listing:
1) I Know What You Want
2) Tiffany Sucks
3) Post-You
4) Team Captain
5) Wormhole Blueprint
6) Last Summer
 7) Blue Dream
8) The Flower That Drank The Moon
9) Dementia
10) Not That
11) Vice City
12) Apparatus
13) Cancer
SUMMER VACATION is a band made up of four people. our persons stretch across Southern Calfornia from the San Gabriel Valley to Corona. two of us started playing music together in spring 2009, but that was a completely different band*obscure. three of us started playing together in fall 2009(birth of xsvx). four of us started playing together in winter 2010. we play kind of like a punk or something. there's melodic shit going on and upbeat boppin'-poppin' beats to get down wit. it's sorta fast but not really all the time you know, stuff. like, we get heavy sometimes but like with lots of harmony whatever. our songs have a lot of chords and we have to repeat them over and over. it's a musician thing whatever. sometimes we throw in sad parts because life also includes sad parts. sometimes we have funny parts b/c life is colored by the wonderful jokes everyday people share....everyday. it's good to learn how to laugh at all the sudden things that get us down in life. nice.

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